Agric Farm

Take a look at our products that we can offer you.


 Fresh Water Fish grown at Aquaponics Products
Tilapia, Catfish and Codfish

Aquaponics is a unique way of farming that combines fish and vegetable production in one system. The plants grow without soil, nourished by the nutrient-rich water from the fish tanks. This circular approach conserves water and can be used on non-fertile land. We produce fresh and nutritious food such as Catfish, Tilapia, Codfish using sustainable aquaponic farming practices


Vegetables produced at Hydroponics Greenhouse Products
Strawberries, Tomato and Capsicum.
Hydroponic farming, which uses nutrient solutions in water instead of soil, allows for organic certification in months, unlike soil which takes years. We produce healthier and nutritious food with limited water and no soil using modern hydroponic farming system. A 2-hectare hydroponic farm owned by our Agriculture Farms produces 152 tons of vegetables annually, with a focus on Green peppers.

Turkey Farm Product 

Turkey Product
Turkey Birds
Turkey birds are sold to poultry processing units, which further to supply in supermarkets across Nigeria. Turkey birds are also sold through the local markets.

Dairy Farm 

Dairy Farm Product
Fresh Milk
We provide high-quality dairy farm products such as fresh milk to customers across major cities and stores in Nigeria. Our dairy farm in Ogun state sales fresh milk to dairy product marketers in Lagos. We produce 10,000 litres per day and potential to increase as required. Fresh milk is sold in bulk through cooling tanks in our dairy farm.

Partner with Us

We envision a Nigeria where everyone has affordable access to nutritious food that is grown within Nigeria using modern practices. We are open to any kind of partnership to help achieve this.
Please click the link below to contact us.